San Diego Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Reveals the Top 5 Most Common California Motorcycle Accidents

November 29, 2018 Injury Lawyer San Diego 0

What are the top 5 types of California motorcycle accidents? How should motorcycle riders avoid them? San Diego, CA motorcycle accident attorney reveals these answers.

Do You Know the Top 5 Most Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents in California? We’ll Tell You How to Avoid Them…

Riding a motorcycle safely in California requires skill and judgment on the part of the rider. It is a fun way to get transport oneself across the state’s roads and freeways–one of the reasons why so many Californians ride their bikes. However, we all know that riding a motorcycle can be dangerous and there are several common accidents which happen daily on California’s roads from San Diego to San Francisco.

In California, the most common types of motorcycle accidents are:

  • Accidents that happen on bends in country roads
  • Crashes that happen at intersections
  • Wrecks that occur while overtaking slower vehicles
  • Loss of control while riding
  • Poor road surface conditions

Here are examples of these types of accidents and how to avoid them:

Bends in Country Roads

Most motorcycle riders are not experienced riding on country roads. They grew up riding on city and town roads. However, country roads need a special sort of skill, knowledge, and ability, particularly around bends.

Bends on country roads can be smooth and even and open up once you turn into the bend. Other bends tighten up dramatically and make the rider realize that they took the turn at too high a rate of speed only after entering the bend. That leads to a major problem and increases the likelihood that the rider will lose control.

When taking a bend on a country road, pay attention to visual clues such as lines of trees, path of telephone poles, and roadside bushes that will give you an indication of the severity of the bend. Always make sure to take a safer path by entering the bend slower than one would expect is safe and allowing the motorcycle to accelerate through the bend when they have greater room to maneuver.

Accidents at Intersections

This is the most common motorcycle accident in urban areas and usually happens when drivers of cross traffic don’t pay attention. They fail to give way or stop and pull out in front of the motorcyclist forcing him to lay the bike down or collide broadside with the motorcyclist in a “t-bone accident”. Most of these accidents happen at T-intersections with the vehicle trying to make a turn onto the main road or trying to pull out of a parking lot.

Drivers of cars usually have a difficult time judging the speed of an oncoming motorcycle and thereby underestimate the time of arrival at the intersection. Always remember that in a crash between a motorcycle and a car, the bike will end up with the worst of it no matter who is at fault. Therefore, if you are approaching an intersection or riding in the far right lane of traffic, always look out for motorists who may not see you and pull out into the flow of traffic.

Crashes While Passing Slower Traffic

Passing slower traffic, particularly on two-lane roads when one passes in the oncoming lane of traffic, is a test of skill and judgment as well as the motorcycle’s acceleration. If you are not used to riding the particular motorcycle, be extra cautious. Take time to learn how the bike reacts to acceleration and braking in different gears before passing.

It is generally not a good idea to pass when approaching bends, intersections, pedestrian crossings, hills or dips in the road, and while crossing double yellow lines.

Loss of Control

Losing control of your motorcycle is by definition dangerous. Losing control usually happens when the motorcyclist is following too close or the vehicle behind the motorcycle is following too close. To protect yourself, always make sure there is a buffer in front and in back of your bike and you can see all the traffic in front of you so that sudden stops won’t catch you off guard.

Poor Road Surface Conditions

Adjusting to changing road conditions is always a challenge. A variety of road conditions require different riding skills and experience to avoid losing control. These conditions include poor weather conditions, fuel spills, mud, manhole covers, and painted road markings.

Keep a lookout for these road conditions and any road signs warning of danger ahead. Also look out for construction zones where loose gravel and debris gather. Always make sure your tires are in good condition and pressurized correctly. Your life often rests on your tires. When you encounter possible dangers, be sure to allow yourself more space and time to react.

For all of the possible motorcycle accidents, the best cure is skill and experience riding your bike.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a California motorcycle accident, the skilled and aggressive San Diego, CA motorcycle accident lawyers are available to discuss your rights and provide a free consultation.

San Diego County Motorcycle Accident Seriously Injures Two

February 15, 2018 Injury Lawyer San Diego 0

A man and woman were seriously injured in a San Diego County motorcycle accident on February 14, 2009, as the motorcycle they were riding was struck by a car at a Carlsbad Village intersection in North San Diego County.

The victims were traveling on Carlsbad Boulevard around 11:20 a.m. when a car driven by a teenage girl, a resident of Upland, CA, pulled out from the intersection of Christiansen Way and collided with their motorcycle. The woman, who was riding pillion, was flown to a hospital, and the male driver was transported by ground ambulance. The teenage car driver was not arrested.

Our office wishes a speedy recovery to the people who were injured in this serious motorcycle crash. We urge all drivers to drive a little more carefully and responsibly so as to ensure that no one faces any harm while traveling on the road.