In Arizona, You can file a Disability Appeal online or in person at your local Social Security Administration office. Most people who file a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are often disappointed when their application is rejected. The fact is that the many SSDI and SSI claims are denied. If your claim is rejected, you are usually given sixty days to appeal. You can file a Disability Appeal yourself online or in person at your local Social Security Administration office.
Social Security Disability Appeal Assistance
However, considering the rules, regulations, and stipulations this can be a time-consuming and difficult task. Luckily for the residents of Mesa, Arizona you can contact your local Social Security Advocates who can assist you with filling out the paperwork and filing for you.
Our disability advocates and attorneys work to ensure that eligible disabled individuals in Maricopa county receive benefits under the SSDI program and the SSI program. Disability Help Group provides free assistance and advice and when needed representation when SSDI or SSI disability benefits are wrongfully denied or terminated. Our case managers will work with you to prepare for SSDI Hearing will be handled by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).
Social Security Disability Appeal Lawyer or advocate?
There are a few reasons why you might choose to use Social Security advocates to file your appeal. First of all, it is very convenient. You do not have to drive to the Social Security Office and you don’t have to wait in line. Also, if your deadline is about to expire, you can quickly get in touch with us to handle this over the phone. This might save you from having to restart the entire application process over from the beginning.
In case you decide to file the appeal yourself you should know that there are two forms that you must complete in order to file an appeal. The first form is the appeal request which will prompt you for information about your jobs, where you live, and the conditions that cause you to be disabled and unable to work. The second form is the appeal disability report which is where you will provide detailed information about your condition and history of treatments.
If you are unsure about the appeal process, you might want to file your appeal in person.
Filing in person will allow you to ask questions about the appeal process. Asking questions will make you better informed of the criteria that the Social Security Administration needs to decide on your case.
The Social Security Administration prefers that you file online.
The main reason for this is due to the fact that the Social Security Administration is understaffed. It takes a lot less resources to handle online appeals compared to dealing with all the claimants face to face. The important thing is to not get discouraged if your Disability Application is denied. You can still win your case either in the appeal process or at a judicial hearing. If you have any questions, you should contact an experienced disability attorney.
If you are out of work because of your disability, have been denied disability benefits, or simply have questions about how the process works, you should get in touch with Disability Help Group of Arizona. They serve the greater Phoenix area, along with Maricopa County and all of Arizona. You can call them at (888) 939-4692 or go through their website at