Recent Jury Verdict Demonstrates the Risk of Litigation
Clients occasionally seem to be puzzled by the fact that, sometimes, even if they win a trial they might not obtain any monetary recovery. They generally realize that they could lose a trial–that the jury might decide completely against them. But not receiving money for injuries after a jury decides in their favor? Unimaginable.
However, the following recent jury verdict shows that this can happen and demonstrates how it can happen.
Pfc. Jesse Klingler was injured when he was shot at close range with a blank round by an actor hired by a local TV production company. The TV production company was working with the Marines to conduct a simulated interrogation during a military training exercise. Pfc. Klingler was participating as an on-duty marine in the exercise.
A jury awarded Pfc. Klingler $91,000. However, due to litigation strategy, allocation of fault, and the jury’s verdict, Pfc. Klingler will not receive any portion of that verdict.